Wednesday, September 12, 2018

If You Can't Move, You Can't Improve

If You Can't Move, You Can't Improve
by Kristina Bouterse

So, I'm an adult. A grown up, a mom, a businesswoman and... gasp... an athlete! Well, at least that's what Corey Bridges of C4 Performance says. 

Many moons ago, I learned that Corey trains professional athletes. And this mom-thlete said, "you should put something together for our tennis team! We need exercises to help us feel better after a match and we want stronger serves." See... I play low-level, suburbia tennis with my girlfriends for a total of 14 weeks a year. Not quite the professionals he's used to training. But Corey agreed to come watch us play anyway (maybe because his wife is on the team?) and give us some pointers.

When I followed up with him about the exercises, Corey just shook his head and chuckled. "Y'all don't need to work out. You can't even move!" And that was the beginning of a new discussion: a talk about mobility.

We all know people with elbow braces, knee braces, lower back pain and ankle wraps. They still play their games, but they do it in pain. They're not as effective with their serves, swings, hits, kicks (kickball!) or sprints because of the pain and lack of mobility. Yet they still run, they lift, they work out, they slam that ball and, often times, win the game, out of sheer determination and skill. And between the games, they're doing the same thing I asked Corey for: a workout to make them better at their sport.

But guess what? If you can't move, you can't improve. You'll only injure yourself more.

And that's where Corey Bridges and the C4 Performance technique comes in to play. My past experience with trainers has been guided exercises with some critique and coaching to keep me going. C4 Performance started out completely different. Because... if you can't move, you can't improve. 

Corey asked questions, did a visual analysis and then we jumped into a biomechanical assessment to see how my body moves. Real life movements are not static, they don't just go forwards and backwards; our bodies move in all directions. That's why Corey does a 3D assessment to analyze flexibility, mobility and stability.

He's fast and precise about the assessment. In just a few minutes, I was in the CAGE stretching my body in ways I'd never thought to try. And today, man, am I sore! My adductors were stretched so effectively that I didn't even notice how far I pushed my body. 

Side note: Ever have a tennis pro laugh out loud at you?? I asked Coach Darrio how to serve stronger. He tossed his ball up, turned his entire torso, shoulder and elbow to demonstrate a master at his craft. I tried to mimic him and my elbow and arm just didn't go that way! I flubbed the ball. Coach actually laughed out loud at me and my stiff form. After years of immobility, my body just didn't go that way... but it should.

While moving my shoulder and arm into different positions, Corey manipulated the tissue around my ligaments to help loosen my shoulders and thoracic spine. We measured my mobility before and after the manipulation and the difference was quite noticeable! At tennis practice that evening, I was able to hit the ball in the appropriate racket position which helped the ball go where it was supposed to. My swing felt more full and natural. What a difference.

Over the years, many of us get tighter, find new pains and even get injured, yet we still want to play. We enjoy being adult athletes, hanging with our friends and chasing our kids/ grandkids around. 

But injuries keep us from being active and doing things we love. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Being strong and living pain-free is a valuable factor in overall happiness. With Corey at C4 Performance, you work together to find the cause of the issues and balance your body. Then you enhance your athletic ability and unlock your maximum potential. Corey develops a custom program to improve your fitness, strength, speed, balance and agility.

Like I said, a totally different approach to training. Check out Corey Bridges with C4 Performance in his new Kennesaw location.

• • •
Corey Bridges, FAFS (one of only 1,500 Fellows of Applied Functional Science in the world), has been training professional athletes like Kirk Cousin & Aaron Murray, from Olympic table tennis athletes to stay at home parents. Bridges was raised an athlete and got his passion for movement while playing wide receiver for The University of South Carolina. 

C4 Performance is located at 2010 international Blvd Suite D, Kennesaw GA 30144
Call 404-931-1921 to make an appointment.

Kristina Bouterse, full-time REALTOR and mom of three boys, she rarely slows down! Kristina's passion for health has lead her down many rabbit holes, including physical, mental and overall personal well-being. She also loves connecting with other small business owners who have the same positive mindset. Contact Kristina with real estate questions at:

Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

Yes, that's right, I said it: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

I know, "happy 4th of July" is sooooo much easier to say than "happy Independence Day". It's a mouthful, I get it! But what other holiday do you give greetings by the date? No one says "Merry 25th of December!" or "Happy October 31st!". It just doesn't make sense.

When society embraces calling our nation's birthday "July 4th", rather than Independence Day, we easily lose the meaning of the holiday. I asked my kids what we're celebrating on July 4th and they had no idea. They know that fireworks are a big part of it. But when I asked them what we celebrate on Independence Day, I could see the wheels turning in their minds.

What is it that we celebrate on Independence Day? We celebrate our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. If you love this country and our Constitution as much as I do, I urge you to push out that extra syllable and exclaim

Happy Independence Day!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Health has to Start at Home

With all the noise about a national sickcare bill, the elephant in the room is WELLNESS. Taking care of oneself is a basic responsibility of freedom. Somehow, our food system in America got hijacked. Over several generations, we've replaced local, sustainable, homemade, fermented, fresh food and drink with an over abundance of boxes and jars and cans and tubes and tubs and pouches and bottles.

Brewing Kombucha - an inexpensive way to boost immunity
If we want to be a free people, we cannot depend on government to keep us healthy. We must get healthy at home. We've been trained to depend on health insurance for our "well visits", our "immunity shots" and our "co-pay sick visits". We have been led down a scripted path to "health" because we think it costs less money. All the while, we get sicker and sicker.

The so-called alternative ways of healthcare - chiropractic, essential oils, fermented foods, natural fats, natural meats, exercise, acupuncture - aren't covered under insurance.

Our primary care physicians often don't know about these options and patients don't know who else to ask. Americans must seek out a better way to stay healthy if they want to remain free.

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Every little thing we can do in our homes to be healthier will create lifelong habits for our children and help prevent disease. It was only a handful of years ago that I learned of the detriment of antibiotics on the human body and that we can help heal ourselves with PRObiotics. Starting as a teen, I was on a daily antibiotic for acne (deep cysts) for about 5 years. This kept the cysts away but ruined my gut health and led to annual illnesses that required more antibiotics. The kicker with the acne cysts is that I more than likely could have controlled the outbreaks, which were so painful and caused scarring, if I had only known that my body was reacting to my diet. Anyway...

I wanted to start healing my gut and our family began drinking GT's Kombucha. I was buying it by the case. While I got 10% off the case, it was still $42 a week in kombucha! I'd ration the brew between the 5 of us so that it'd make it through the week. Then I learned that my friend Cyndi made her own kombucha. She taught me how to make it and even shared her SCOBY with me.

I've been brewing kombucha on a weekly basis for nearly 3 years now!

What is kombucha you ask? It's a fermented sweet tea drink that is chock full of probiotics. Each week, I brew tea and add about 3 cups of sugar. I pour this solution into a large glass vessel with more water and then place my SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) on top of the mixture. The SCOBY eats all the sugar and ferments the tea into a delicious concoction. I leave the brew in the back of the pantry for about a week for Princess SCOBY to do her thing. Then it's time for the second fermentation... I funnel the brew into glass jars with fruit and leave on the shelf for 2 more days.

And VoilĂ !! My my labor of love is complete. Probiotic drink for the entire family for a week at under $5 and about 30 minutes of my time.

      •  •  •

GT's Kombucha is still my favorite store bought brew. There are different brands and flavors popping up everywhere and even at Farmers Markets. Make sure it's RAW and ORGANIC and check the sugar content. Some flavors are higher in sugar - skip those.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

I am equal. I am strong. I am a woman.

I'm trying so hard to understand these women who feel they are not treated equally to men. But I don't get it. Do they really think Trump will take away their voting rights? Do they think that the government ought to make all pay equal despite experience? Do they think Trump can single handedly overturn Roe v. Wade? Are they upset because late term abortion is debatable? Or that the government shouldn't pay for birth control? Do they believe they didn't get a job in the past because of their gender? Do they think there will be more discrimination in the future because of this president? Why don't they see Trump's daughters as successful businesswomen?

I have never felt discriminated against due to my gender. The very opposite is true - I've felt empowered BECAUSE of my gender. I think differently, I do differently and I make things happen. Is this because I'm a woman? I don't know. It's probably because of my upbringing and my personality.

I was raised in a family of men (mom, dad, 4 brothers) and I NEVER felt less for it. Never was I given different responsibilities because of my gender. Never was anything less expected of me because I was the only girl. And now, I live in a house of men (husband, 3 sons) and if you ask them who rules the roost, they'll tell you that MAMA RULES THE ROOST.

My first two careers were in heavily male dominated industries: Natural Gas and Commercial Real Estate. If anything, being a strong, smart and motivated woman helped me excel in these businesses. Sure, there were jackasses who talked to me like Trump may have, but they didn't keep me from succeeding. I didn't go home and cry because someone thought I was hot and told me so.  And if they thought I was stupid for being a female, all I had to do was speak to prove them wrong.

Seriously, ladies, who are you posting sexual images of Matthew McConaughey or Vin Diesel or any other hottie sex symbol and then simultaneously getting upset when someone in real life thinks that a REAL WOMAN is beautiful, hot, sexy or "doable". Because Donald Trump said something obnoxious 10+ years ago does not make him a rapist, nor a sexist, nor a nazi or whatever you want to call him. I'll call him a jackass - that's for sure.

But for reversing our country 300 years like I've seen in the meme, GIVE ME A BREAK. No, Trump will not take away our voting rights, our right to drive a car, our ability for higher education, our ability to obtain birth control or our ability to excel in our careers. It just won't happen.

Please, take a long nap then wake up and understand that we still live in the greatest country on earth. I'm so thankful for the millions of women who are waking up to politics and want to get involved. Just dig a little deeper and make your minutes, your hours, your days and your emotions count for something. No American woman will stand for our equality to be stripped. Claiming that women who support Trump are okay with being second class citizens is just silly.

If we truly care for women's rights, let's stand up against spousal abuse and sexual harassment and sex slavery. Let's support women in other countries who must cover themselves from head to toe, who can't leave the house without a male escort, who are raped with no way to fight back, who aren't allowed to drive or vote or go to school.

American women protesting Trump sound spoiled and don't seem to appreciate what we have in this free nation. We have rights guaranteed by the constitution and we are equal under the law, just like every other American, thanks to brave women in our history. We are not oppressed.

I am equal. I am strong. I am a woman.

. . . 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Born in America - NOT FAIR

It came up again in conversation this holiday season - if you were born in the United States of America, you're better off than half the world. For goodness sakes, poor people in the US have cell phones, air conditioning and running water!

There's a cute little saying that has become popular... "first world problems". We say this when we realize what we're complaining about is an issue that many humans don't know about. Like poor cell service or the dishwasher leaking or DirecTV cutting out during a storm... FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!

On that note, can't we Americans be THANKFUL for these wonderful "first world creations"? Every day there are items in my home that I find nearly indespensible that didn't exist 100 years ago. On my FaceBook page (, I started a thread where we can be thankful for things other than "good health, a loving family, the sunrise..."

This will now be my ongoing list of First World Thankfulness. Add yours int he comments!
  1. wireless trackball mouse
  2. indoor pools in the winter months
  3. disposable sponges for washing dishes
  4. wireless internet
  5. the USPS
  6. calculators
  7. Costco
  8. chain saw
  9. scotch tape
  10. wood flooring
  11. heated seats in my vehicle
  12. 4 wheel drive
  13. weather app
  14. paved roads
  15. business cards
  16. the USPS
  17. Mario Cart 
  18. grocery stores
  19. farmers markets
  20. gas stations
  21. gas powered leaf blower
  22.  chiropractic care
  23. fresh brewed coffee in my Bunn (4 minutes!)
  24. the internet
  25. the Constitution
  26. free speech
  27. the squeegee at the gas station
  28. ziplock baggies
  29. refrigerator
  30. ball point pens
  31. did I say the internet?
  32. public library
  33.  hot water
  34. washing machine
  35. sheets
  36. pillows
  37. disposable plates and cutlery
  38. party store
  39. color printers

Monday, August 22, 2016

Americans - come together!!

I am so frustrated by the decisiveness of this country!

I was just talking with an old friend who was raised a Democrat. Over the years, due to different work experiences and real life situations, he's opened his mind to other ways of political thinking. Our  conversations have been exciting and informational for the past 10 years.

Anyway, we grew up in Gainesville Florida. Our high school was fairly diverse - drawing not only different colors of people but also first generation immigrants with the ESL (English as a Second Language) program. The biggest bullying wasn't between blacks and whites, it was against gays, the weirdos and the obese - no matter the color. This statement is not in approval of the small-mided people who did the bullying, it's just an observation.

Getting back to today... my friend and I were drawing from our past in which we didn't experience racism (granted, I know we're white, but we're observant!), we didn't participate in racism and we are utterly confused and frustrated by the race divide that has been created by our government.

The Obama presidency was supposed to bring people together. Instead, it's driven a wedge between races that didn't exist 10 years ago. Another friend of mine, who refers to herself as "African American", and I spoke this weekend about how her kids don't know any different than the middle-class lifestyle they have in Kennesaw Georgia. They would not feel at home in the slums or Atlanta just because there are more black people there. It's a CULTURE thing, not a skin color thing. White trash is white trash, ghetto folk are ghetto folk and gangsters are gangsters, no matter the color.

So, why is there so much talk about whites vs. blacks? Shouldn't we all be tackling the culture of violence? The culture of government dependence? Shouldn't we all band together to stop crime, to protect our neighborhoods, to encourage independence, to build our children up to be productive members of society? Shouldn't we all be screaming mad that our unemployment rate is near double digits and it's even higher for the poverty stricken, low-income citizens?

Let's stand up for American values for all corners of this great nation. We Americans are strong-willed, hard workers, creative thinkers and freedom-loving. The longer we let the government divide us, the harder it will be to come back together.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Best Pregnancy Ever!

My body's journey into my third pregnancy was quite different from the first two. First of all, I had switched to a Paleo lifestyle about 2 months before conceiving. Second, I was exercising in a way that my body thrived.

The first two pregnancies weren't bad - no morning sickness, no serious food aversions, no swelling - but they weren't great. I had problems with circulation that caused me to wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if my hands were being stabbed. I often had to walk around the house in the depths of darkness to regain feeling in my arms. It didn't happen with pregnancy #3!

During Prego2, I was a vegetarian and I was ravenous ALL.THE.TIME. I couldn't eat enough. I felt sick because I was hungry. Rice, beans, tofu, veggies, fruit and nuts just couldn't satisfy me! Of course, I ate lots of processed sweets, too. I baked pans of brownies on a regular basis. What a sugar fix! I didn't have hunger issues with Prego3. I ate nourishing, filling, calorie-dense meals and rarely required snacks between. I did get hooked on all-natural ice cream during my last trimester which caused some fat gain at the end.

In the first two pregnancies I gained 40lbs each. Prego3: 25lbs.

Oh, and the acne! No pregnancy acne the third time around. None.

The dreaded heartburn? Only when I ate bread or carby sweets. Otherwise, I had no heartburn during Prego3. I remember keeping a huge bottle of Tums near by during the entire first pregnancy. I never once connected the dots between pans of brownies and heartburn! I always blamed it on the weight of the fetus and my changed body.

I hadn't been lazy during pregnancy, I just didn't push myself really hard. In the year prior to Prego3, I did Tabata Bootcamp twice a week, tennis twice weekly and walked as often as possible. I had dropped 14lbs and 6inches and was in the best shape of my life! Since I was active before I got knocked up, I continued through the full 10 moon pregnancy. My water actually broke at tennis practice when I was 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant! 

My third pregnancy was so much easier! I attribute better circulation to increased activity, regular stretching/yoga and chiropractic care. Everything else was a result of eating Paleo. If I could have such a different experience in my third pregnancy at the age of 35, imagine the benefits for the average human suffering from acid reflux, diabetes, heartburn, acne, lethargy or binge eating.

39 weeks
29 years old

39 weeks
33 years old

39 weeks
35 years old